Home Schooling
At Hope Clinic, homeschool families receive help for learning challenges impacted by vision through a one-on-one individualized approach.
These are but a few of the symptoms associated with Visual Dysfunctions that impact learning.
- Is your child’s academic performance below what you expect?
- Does (s)he have trouble getting work done in a timely manner, reading and re-reading, but still having low comprehension?
- Does (s)he avoid reading or find it hard to concentrate well during reading or other near tasks?
- Does writing run uphill or downhill on the page?
We value the input of parents who are highly involved in their child’s learning. Learning styles, academic strengths and challenges, and knowledge about academic/social skills are noted in “fine tuning” the Vision Therapy process. We are able to accommodate flexible scheduling of Vision Therapy in the mornings or early afternoons to work around your child’s academic and experiential learning schedules.
Behavorial Optometrist Dr. Kadet at Hope Clinic specializes in identifying those with vision-related learning challenges, and prescribes an individualized program of therapy for patients that involves both in-clinic and home-based therapy to remediate the issues.
“Our patients may or may not have 20/20 vision, but because Primary Care Eye Doctors often do not measure binocular vision (the ability of both eyes to work together to do near work like reading and math), the child or adult struggles with learning or enjoying learning from the printed word.”
“Results of Dr. Kadet’s vision testing showed that Kaelen did indeed have a commonly overlooked vision challenge called Convergence Insufficiency. Though he had 20/20 nearpoint vision, when he looked at things close up (like words on a page) they were blurry, double or moving around on the page, and he didn’t realize that what he was experiencing with reading was not ‘normal’. No wonder he was having the academic challenges!”
Contact Hope Clinic to begin the process of learning how Vision Therapy can help you or your child! Hope Clinic offers two online options: Schedule a Free Screening or Schedule a Full Functional Vision Evaluation, or call us at (425) 462-7800.