What are primitive reflexes?

What are primitive reflexes?

Primitive reflexes begin in utero; they are repetitive, involuntary or automatic movements in response to stimuli that are essential for the development of head control, muscle tone, sensory integration and overall development.

developing fetus

They protect a developing fetus, aid the birthing process and contribute to later, more mature postural reflexes. As the baby grows, ideally these primitive reflexes will “integrate” into the growing brain. They will no longer be active (more…)

Visual Information Processing Skills and Dynamic Reading are important in a Vision Therapy program

Why are Visual Information Processing Skills and Dynamic Reading important in a Vision Therapy program?

At Hope Clinic, Visual Information Processing training is fully integrated into a comprehensive Vision Therapy program.

Included is work in the areas of Visualization, Visually Guided Motor Skills, Visual Memory, Visual Discrimination, Visual Spatial Relationships, Visual Form Constancy, Visual Figure Ground, Visual Closure, and improved Reading Speed and Comprehension.

During most patients’ final phase of Vision Therapy, home therapy focus is on Reading Speed and Comprehension. Those who do the training typically double or triple their (more…)

New Research Vision Issues and Dyslexia

The Researched Link Between Dyslexia and Vision Issues

Developmental Dyslexia is a reading disorder that emerges in childhood. The primary deficit involves impaired ability to “sound out” words, recognize words, and spell words, which in turn affect reading rate, comprehension, and written expression as well. The disorder of Developmental Dyslexia is most often viewed as stemming from a core linguistic deficit in phonological processing, a premise which has guided the educational interventions thus far.

Until now, there has been a lack of research to compare Dyslexic children’s vision issues with typically developing children. It is validating to see the results (more…)

Dr. Ted Kadet, OD has been a volunteer Boy Scout leader of Troop 419 for 20 years.

Dr. Ted Kadet, OD, a volunteer Boy Scout leader of Troop 419

When asked, “What would you say to people who want to “give back” but don’t know where to start???” here is his reply. “Adopt the ATTITUDE of taking and giving back. Give up on the idea that you will get back from the same people you give to. No “tit for tat”. People have made a major shift in my life that I can never repay. Maybe I can be an influence or instrumental in making positive change in someone else’s life to balance that. (more…)

Amina Stanbridge on Vivid Vision, Hope Clinic’s 3-D Virtual Reality protocol for Vision Therapy treatment

Amina Stanbridge shares her story treating patients using Vivid Vision

Cris Miranda on www.seevividly.com, March 22, 2016

Vivid Vision Spotlights are a series of talks and conversations with experts and patients standing at the vanguard of vision science.We probe deep into their stories and experiences using Vivid Vision, living with vision ailments and more. Amina Stanbridge is a vision therapist at the Hope clinic in Tacoma, Washington working under the direction of Theodore Kadet.  We are grateful she was able lend us a few minutes of her time. Here are some highlights of our conversation (you can access to our full discussion via this link). (more…)

Brain Injury Awareness

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month.

As you may know, Dr. Kadet at Hope Clinic is a tremendous resource for diagnosing vision disorders in victims of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and has over 40 years of experience working with TBI patients to help them retrain their visual skills during their healing process. Our staff is well trained to administer compassionate individualized vision therapy to these patients under the supervision of Dr. Kadet.

The newest episode of the Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast is out!

We at Hope Clinic have some helpful resources to share with you related to this topic. First, we’d like you to know that the newest episode of the Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast is out. (more…)

Optometric Phototherapy

Optometric Phototherapy

Light is essential to the life of plants and animals.

Optometric Phototherapy

As our planet revolves around the sun, all life on earth is sustained by sunlight. The Greeks were the first to document their use of phototherapy. Today,  light is used on a variety of disorders from the “bili” lights used on jaundiced newborns to the more recent psychiatric use of white light for treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

In optometry, the use of specific light frequencies to treat visual dysfunctions is called Optometric Phototherapy.

This clinical application deals with the ocular science of the effects of selected light frequencies presented through the eyes. It has been used therapeutically in optometry for about eight decades, with continued success in the treatment of many visual dysfunctions, including the treatment of brain injuries and emotional disorders. (more…)

Concussion : Parents Speak Out about the Visual Link to Recovery

Will Smith’s new movie Concussion is likely to make parents think twice about having their children involved in contact sports like football and soccer.

But what about kids who have already had a concussion and are struggling to get back to learning? Parents of these children are stepping forward to share their experiences with the hope of helping others.

“Research has shown that approximately 70% of young athletes who suffer a concussion have eye coordination, focusing, and eye movement problems. Yet most parents are left on their own choose a health care professional who can help their child correct these problems,” shares Dr. Kara Heying, OD, FCOVD, President of College of Optometrists in Vision Development. (more…)

School visits provide the link between classroom learning and vision therapy

School visits provide the link between classroom learning and vision therapy

Lisa Knopp teams with schools for your child

In order to provide the best help to our patients who are children going to school, we are offering a service to our families. With written parent permission, Lisa Knopp will visit your child’s teacher(s) and other educators if desired (ie. counselors, tutors, principals) to help them understand how the child’s vision issues relate to their learning and classroom experience. She will provide Dr. Kadet’s vision report for the child and suggestions for classroom accommodations (when applicable), which will enhance the child’s learning in the classroom. (more…)

Hope for Struggling Readers

COVD Offers Hope for Struggling Readers

Every year when school resumes, educators, parents, and students strive to improve reading levels.

Problems reading

According to the Common Core Curriculum, “Students will be challenged and asked questions that push them to refer back to what they’ve read.” Yet, according to Ida Chung, OD, FCOVD, and President of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD), “students who have eye coordination and eye movement problems struggle to read and have trouble remembering what they read which will make this task nearly impossible.” (more…)