Brain Injury Awareness

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month.

As you may know, Dr. Kadet at Hope Clinic is a tremendous resource for diagnosing vision disorders in victims of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and has over 40 years of experience working with TBI patients to help them retrain their visual skills during their healing process. Our staff is well trained to administer compassionate individualized vision therapy to these patients under the supervision of Dr. Kadet.

The newest episode of the Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast is out!

We at Hope Clinic have some helpful resources to share with you related to this topic. First, we’d like you to know that the newest episode of the Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast is out. This episode is with TBI survivor, musician, and founder of Hope After Head Injury, Cristabelle Braden! After suffering multiple concussions, Cristabelle has paired her talent as a musician with her passion to help others, and is on the road this month for the Hope After Head Injury music tour! Tune in to our conversation about deficits, music therapy, and moving through life as a musician with brain injury, one song at a time. Here’s a link so you can check out the episode, “Finding Hope after Head Injury”

With the movie “Concussion” being released recently following growing awareness of TBI victims in sports, the military, and in the general public, we at Hope Clinic are hopeful that more and more victims of TBI are getting the help they need to recover and heal. There is also greater attention being placed on prevention of head injuries as well. On the first day of the month, the New York Times published an interesting related article: “Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Practices”.  This is very interesting and may prove to make significant changes to the game of football in the future.  Here is the link to
“Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices”

We have lots of information on our website about Traumatic Brain Injury and how it can impact a person’s vision system. We have a Checklist Survey on our site if you or someone you know can benefit from reviewing these signs and symptoms.  Please download this Checklist Survey, published by Hanuu  Laukkanen, OD, Med, Clinical Professor.

We hope that you will help us spread the word….there is Hope for TBI victims in regaining visual skills through Vision Therapy. Feel free to Schedule a Free Functional Vision Screening with Dr. Kadet to learn more about how Vision Therapy may help you or a loved one.

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