3D Viewing || If you are having trouble seeing 3-D, this might mean you have problems with your Binocular (two eyes co-ordinating together) Vision or Stereo Vision (3-D vision). Vision Therapy can help you work toward successful 3-D viewing.

3D Viewing

Improvements in the theater 3-D movie experience have sparked a surge of 3-D movie releases, as well as initiating the home 3-D movie experience.


Though the 3-D movie and television technology has advanced greatly, it does not provide an entirely strain-free viewing experience. Click here to read a scientific article “Measuring Visual Discomfort Associated with 3-D Displays.”

3-D is definitely going to be a big part of the home theater future.

Television will become more immersive or life-like in its experience, as 3-D capability comes to Blu-ray Disc and flat-screen television over the next decade. You or someone you know may already be experiencing some frustration with 3-D viewing, perhaps experiencing headaches, stomach aches, motion sickness, boredom, or simply wondering what everyone is oohing and aahing about when watching 3-D films.

Unfortunately, some of the recommendations being made to viewers to improve their home theater 3-D viewing experience actually run counter to some behavioral optometrists’ recommendations for good visual hygiene (daily practices for healthy eyes).

To view stereo images (in 3-D movies, 3-D posters, pictures, book etc.), your two eyes must be working together simultaneously as a coordinated team for success.

If you are having trouble seeing 3-D, this might mean you have problems with your Binocular (two eyes co-ordinating together) Vision or Stereo Vision (3-D vision). Vision Therapy can help you work toward successful 3-D viewing.


TV is now offering programming in a 3-D format. Parts of the picture appear to come right at the viewer, creating an incredible sense of realism. This is the new technology – the “wave of the future.”

To read this article in it’s entirety, please read our Fall Newsletter!

Contact Hope Clinic to begin the process of learning how Vision Therapy can help you or your child! Hope Clinic offers two online options: Schedule a Free Screening or Schedule a Full Functional Vision Evaluation, or call us at (425) 462-7800.